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Analytics & Business Intelligence

By transforming complex data into clear, actionable insights, we can provide you with faster and more informed decisions that drive growth and innovation through analytics and business intelligence (BI). Our consultants help you increase efficiency, predict market trends, and take your business to new heights with the right analytics and BI solutions. Your data has never been more valuable.


Elevate your business with us as your analytics partner

With us as your analytics partner, you benefit from our experience, expertise, and customer focus to create valuable insights and enhance decision-making in your business.

Senior consultants in analytics and BI with extensive experience

We have extensive experience in analytics and business intelligence and have successfully delivered solutions to companies in various industries. With us as your partner, you get market-leading strategies and solutions tailored to your company’s specific requirements.

Tailored solutions and close collaboration

You receive innovative and customized solutions in both analytics and BI designed to address and solve your business challenges. We work closely with your team to ensure that the solutions integrate seamlessly into your business.

Data-driven business insights

To help you increase efficiency and competitiveness, we transform your complex data into clear and actionable insights so you can make more data-driven, informed, and faster business decisions.

Long-term customer relationships and customer focus

Our commitment to quality, transparency, and long-term relationships means that we are focused on your success and growth. We have many long-standing collaborations with customers over several years, taking comprehensive responsibility for developing and managing our customers' analytics platforms.

Continuous support and training

We offer ongoing support and training as needed, ensuring your teams maximize the solutions we provide. By developing your internal analytics expertise, we ensure sustainable results and long-term success.

Examples of areas where we support clients:


Analysis of municipal buildings can reveal underutilized spaces. By consolidating these, the municipality can reduce operating costs, improve resource utilization, and decrease energy consumption.

B2B companies

Sales data identifies slow-selling products. The company adjusts purchasing, which reduces inventory costs and improves cash flow.

Product companies

Using data analysis in supply chain management can uncover expensive suppliers. By switching to more cost-effective suppliers, companies can lower material costs, reduce carbon footprint, and increase margins.


Customer data analysis can identify campaigns that aren't generating sales. By focusing on more effective campaigns, the store can increase revenue and reduce marketing costs.


Data analysis can reveal inefficient care processes. By restructuring these processes, the hospital can reduce wait times and lower operating costs.

Banking & finance

Customer data analysis can help uncover unprofitable account types. By changing the terms or phasing out these account types, the bank can improve profitability.

Solutions we have developed in analytics & business intelligence:

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Services we deliver in analytics & BI:

Platforms & tools

We have certified experts on all the leading platforms and tools in analytics, and we support you in various areas such as tool selection, expert support, and training.

Through our long collaborations with leading partners in analytics, you can be sure that you get what you need.

All our partners

Our ambition is to establish a new world standard for mining and to make LKAB the world's most sustainable mining company. A part of this is building a data culture and making sure we have a data platform enabling the transformation. Everything we do with data contributes to our ability to follow up on our sustainable goals.

Daniel Nordvall, Group Manager Data & Analytics


Why Knowit?

Extensive experience in analytics

Our senior consultants have extensive experience in analytics and BI, ensuring deep knowledge and insightful expertise.

Wide range of services

From Data Warehousing and Data Integration to advanced data analysis and visualization – we offer a complete spectrum of services in Analytics.

Long-term customer relationships

We take pride in our long-term customer relationships and view each new partnership as an opportunity to create something exceptional. Quality, transparency, and results are what we strive for.

Do you want to know how we can assist you?

Send a message, and we will get in touch with you.