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Interim report for Knowit AB

Improved result on a weak market

January - June 2024

  • Net sales decreased by 7.6 percent to SEK 3,447.6 (3,729.3) million
  • The EBITA profit was SEK 202.1 (273.8) million, the adjusted EBITA profit was SEK 230.5 (274.9) million 1)
  • The EBITA margin was 5.9 (7.3) percent, the adjusted EBITA margin was 6.7 (7.4) percent 1)
  • Results after tax were SEK 69.4 (124.0) million 
  • Earnings per share were SEK 2.34 (4.35) 2)
  • Cash flow from operating activities was SEK 198.0 (228.4) million

April - June 2024

  • Net sales decreased by 4.4 percent to SEK 1,681.3 (1,758.8) million
  • The EBITA profit was SEK 65.9 (76.6) million, the adjusted EBITA profit increased by 22.6 percent to SEK 94.2 (76.8) million 1)
  • The EBITA margin was 3.9 (4.4) percent, the adjusted EBITA margin increased to 5.6 (4.4) percent 1)
  • Results after tax were SEK 5.5 (19.9) million
  • Earnings per share were SEK 0.11 (0.71) 2)
  • Cash flow from operating activities was SEK 96.4 (121.9) million

1) EBITA is adjusted for items that affect comparability between periods, to improve understanding of the Group’s underlying operative activities. The quarter is adjusted for allocations related to the decision of the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth regarding repayment of support for short-time work, totaling SEK 28. million. Knowit does not agree with the Agency's view and has appealed the decision to the Administrative Court of Stockholm. For more information, see definitions on page 27.
2) Before and after dilution.

Interim Report Knowit Q2 2024 (PDF)


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Year-end report 2024

Interim report Q3 2024

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Interim report Q2 2024

AGM 2024

Interim report Q1 2024

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Annika Billberg

Investor Relations

Christina Johansson

Head of Communications