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A transformation towards independent IT operations


The municipality of Kinda initiated a significant change by leaving its municipal association to independently manage its IT operations. With the help of Knowit, which acted as an advisor and project manager, a smooth transition to a new IT provider was ensured. This strategic change now allows the municipality to control its digital development and promote continued innovation.

Vidunderlig utsikt i Kinda kommun

Kinda invests in switching IT provider

The municipality of Kinda in Östergötland, a Swedish county, wanted greater control over its IT operations to focus on development, improved quality, and reduced costs. Therefore, the municipality decided to leave the municipal association that previously managed its IT operations. This decision meant the municipality faced a major change, including the transition to a new IT provider. The challenges were significant, especially since the municipality was the first to leave the association and had a limited IT and digitalization organization. 

A new IT provider was procured by the municipality, and there was a need to find the right partner to lead the transition in a secure and controlled manner. To ensure a smooth transition with minimal impact on the municipality’s operations, a partner with expertise in organization and business development was required. The choice fell on Knowit, which acted as an advisor and project manager for the transition to the new provider and the establishment of the new IT and digitalization organization. 

Independent and sustainable IT operations lay the foundation for innovation and development

Knowit supported the municipality Kinda throughout the process, from navigating the exit from the existing provider to the implementation of the new one and the establishment of an internal IT organization. Our consultants identified and managed risks, ensured quality and economy in the transition, and strengthened the municipality’s ability to independently manage its IT operations. The effort included specific expertise in areas such as GDPR, IT security, and sourcing strategy. 

A critical moment in the transition was the handling of Mobile Device Management (MDM), where a foundation was created to enable a quality-assured transition between two MDM systems. This ensured that all mobile devices continued to function seamlessly both during and after the transition, which was crucial for the municipality’s daily operations. 

Furthermore, Knowit addressed the challenge of moving critical integrations between systems with minimal impact on existing business systems. By focusing particularly on these processes, disruptions were minimized, and the continuity of the municipality’s services was ensured. 

Another important part of the work was identifying and structuring master data and establishing a clear information model, especially regarding employee information. This facilitated an efficient onboarding and offboarding process for the municipality’s staff, contributing to increased efficiency and better data management. 

The greatest value for Kinda was the transition to a self-controlled IT environment that not only reduced costs but also improved the quality of IT services. This change means that the municipality now owns its digital journey and can make strategic decisions based on its own needs and conditions. With Knowit’s help, the municipality has laid a solid foundation for independent and sustainable IT operations, enabling continued innovation and development in line with the municipality’s long-term goals. 

The municipality initiated a major change by leaving its municipal association to independently manage its IT operations. With the help of Knowit, which acted as advisor and project manager, a smooth transition to a new IT provider was ensured. This strategic change now allows the municipality to control its digital development and promote continued innovation.

Eva Holm, Acting Municipal Director

Kinda kommun

The transition led to a sustainable and cost-effective operation

Together with Knowit, Kinda successfully and safely transitioned to a new IT operations provider, increasing the municipality’s ability to run a sustainable and cost-effective operation. This contributes long-term to a sustainable society through improved resource use and reduced environmental impact. 

How this solution contributes to Agenda 2030? 

SDG 9 and 11

Contribution to Goal 9: By transitioning to a self-controlled IT environment and building an efficient digitization organization, the project supports the development of sustainable infrastructure in the municipality. Improvements in IT operations and digitization work create a more resilient and modern infrastructure, improving the accessibility and efficiency of the municipality’s services. Innovation is also promoted through the introduction of new systems and digital tools, supporting a future-oriented and adaptive organizational model.

Contribution to Goal 11: Improved IT operations and digitization capacity directly affect how the municipality manages its resources and services, contributing to making it more inclusive and secure. More efficient data management and digital services increase accessibility for the municipality’s residents, strengthening both inclusion and security. Additionally, a robust digital infrastructure helps protect against cyber threats and ensures resilience in the municipality’s systems and services. 

In summary, the project not only strengthens the local infrastructure and improves service delivery but also contributes to larger goals such as sustainability, accessibility, and climate resilience. By integrating these aspects into its IT and digitization strategy, Kinda Municipality takes steps towards supporting and achieving several of the global goals in Agenda 2030. 

SDG 9, Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
SDG 11, Sustainable cities and communities

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Johan Hallgren


Management consulting